Title XIX Medicaid

The Medicaid program, enacted by Congress through Title XIX of the Social Security Act in 1965 at the same time as Medicare, exists as the largest of the federal-state partnerships for low-income people. Nationally, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide public health insurance coverage to over 70 million low-income Americans,1 including working […]

What are ADLs?

Activities of Daily Living The activities of daily living (ADLs), based on the Katz Index of Independence, are the basic activities of daily living we do to stay alive and well. Examples include eating, going to the bathroom and moving from place to place. Medical conditions affecting our minds or bodies can limit your ability […]

Does Medicaid Cover Memory Care?

A question for many of our clients is: Will Medicaid cover memory care for my loved one or family member? Happily, the answer is yes, but a qualified yes. While health insurance and Medicare do not cover care associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia, Medicaid will cover memory care but only in certain settings. Yes, Medicaid […]

What is the Midwest Special Needs Trust?

For families with loved ones with disabilities and special needs, there are other resources available to allow a family to provide for a consistent quality of life for a disabled family member without violating any transfer rules or incurring any Medicaid lookback period. Special needs trusts can be employed in a variety of ways to […]

What Assets Disqualify Medicaid?

Are there Assets that can Disqualify an Applicant from Medicaid Eligibility? The simple answer is an unequivocal “No.” There are no specific assets that can disqualify an applicant from Medicaid eligibility. There are, however, assets that many families overlook when determining whether or not a Medicaid application will be approved. That is the essence of […]

What is a Remainder Interest?

Clients often ask about “Remainder Interests,” and how they affect the Medicaid process. Can remainder interests be recovered by the Medicaid program after the death of a nursing home Medicaid recipient? The answer depends upon the circumstances and upon the type of remainder interest involved. And there are a variety of interests under the law. […]

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